Write a Madlib Silly Story
Before the snow melts, guess letters to find the name of the pet rabbit or animals from Peacebunny Island...
Mississippi River, near mile 832
This privately owned main island is approximately 22 acres (9 hectares)
Located down river from confluence of Mississippi River & Minnesota River
Below Minneapolis & Saint Paul, above Hastings Minnesota USA
We access it by houseboat & canoes
Nestled within the Mississippi National River Recreation Area
Leased for summer 2018 then formally purchased that fall
Caleb spent that summer on the river, & testing the model
This spring he purchased 2 smaller downstream islands
He will call them "Hope" and "Hoppiness"
Caleb has been dreaming about an island since he was 11 years old
His reasoning: land predators won't swim on & bunnies wont swim off
(so safe place to supervise & train comfort rabbits)
He works & accepts donations to pay the monthly mortgage
in addition to providing for the rabbit's feed and care
Island is named after Paxton Peacebunny, his first rare heritage breed rabbit
The plan is to supervise visiting rabbits, in gender-separate trips
Ferried houseboat bought with entrepreneurship contest winnings
The newly chartered Sea Scout Ship #202 trains youth about boat safety
Island is not designed as a tourism destination, but we're working on model to have guests go "island hopping" with us in the future