Bunny Zoom Calls
Coming soon!!!
Rabbit Island, Mississippi River
Bunny Island, Mississippi River
Island of bunnies Minnesota
Island of rabbits Minnesota
Rabbit Island
Caleb Smith
Boy bunnies
Peacebunny Island Book
Peacebunny Islands Inc
Star Tribune rabbits
Visit Peacebunny Island
Where is Peacebunny Island?
ANSWER: Mile 832 on the Mississippi River
Minnesota, USA
The main island is downstream from Minneapolis & St Paul
and from Bdote (confluence of Mississippi River and
Minnesota Rivers).
Peacebunny Island is nestled in the Mississippi National River Recreation Area.
Caleb Smith, 16, his family and friends transformed this private 22-acre main island into a natural, sustainable oasis and a summer camp for a lovable bunch of bunnies.
Do rabbits live on the island?
ANSWER: No. Our rabbits are domestic and they live at Peacebunny Cottage and at foster sites/homes. Think of it like they are going to summer camp when they come to visit the main island and we are the camp counselors.
We have never seen a wild rabbit there... Maybe they could cross the ice in the winter?