Peacebunnies in Action

501c3 Nonprofit Public Charity
EIN 84-5018824
IRS Determination Letter and 990 documents are available for public review.
* Mail check written to
Peacebunny Foundation
PO Box 202, Newport MN 55055
Thank you for blessing all those that get the direct gift of hugs, hope & hoppiness because of your support!!
Service-learning organization provides resources to mobilize comfort rabbits and their volunteer guardians to
1) PROVIDE SUPPORT during times of
tragedy, stress, loneliness and grief by sharing comfort rabbits and resources provided by Peacebunny Islands Inc.
* Families experiencing severe health challenges
* Families during times of separation including military deployment
* Senior centers and hospice
* School violence, and children’s memorials
2) SHARE RESOURCES: including Social Emotional Learning and STEM-based curriculum, biosecurity best practices

During memorials with young children
we have been providing one free copy
of this book along a snuggly tie blanket
or quilt for the children in the immediate family during our comfort bunny visits.
Some ways FOUNDATION donations are spent:
* Peacebunny Unit visits
* Offsetting expenses for low income schools and communities who host STEMbunnies programs to get kids excited about learning while playing with rabbits
Since Spring 2020 outbreak of RHDV2, we have also provided support in these ways:
* Education programs and resources regarding public health, biosecurity, sanitation, mass vaccination days, preventing Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHDV2)
* Providing administration support to local rabbit groups (4H, FFA, Livestock Conservancy, domestic rescues & wild rescues to host Mass Vaccination Clinics for rabbit owners in states where there is a current outbreak)
*Specific donations given for rabbit expenses have been spent for those purposes
By contrast...
How Peacebunny Islands funds are spent (from through merchandise sales & specific donations, )
* General business expenses
* Websites, administrative support.
* Seasonal staff / interns
* Farm rent, Island and boat expenses
* Directed donations given to help with rabbit expenses
have been spent for those purposes.
Thanks for Supporting the Vision of the Peacebunny Foundation who share the rabbits in our program.
Both the Foundation and the business and our family have specific, complementary roles and we thank you for joining us for either side of this heartfelt mission.
-- Caleb Smith