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Support the Dream
Book Affiliate Program
Buy children's books from our online bookstore to support our mission

How Peacebunny Islands Inc. funds are spent:

* Caring for the rabbits at Peacebunny Cottage
which is a lot of feed, grasses, plus housing and medical expenses such as spay / neuter and wellness checks for new rescues.


* Training the rescues & Kinderbunnies
(young rare heritage breed rabbits) who seem outgoing and eager to engage with people.  They will be certified as eligible 
comfort rabbits, therapy rabbits or emotional support rabbits (but they still have the autonomy to decide whether to participate and for how long).

* Providing facilities for the rabbits' housing &   

training and for hosting volunteers in training.

* Providing transportation to events


* Training volunteers

We have a budget for paying the unglamorous expenses that are paid for though our merchandise sales, paid events. 


This earned money goes towards things like domain names, taxes, staff, island mortgages, utilities, boat and auto expenses: they are not funded by donations unless someone designates their gift for general fund or mortgage fund.

As you give, consider the value of what you are helping provide. Here are some budget examples:

$5      Grass bale (We feed 2 bales every day)

$10   Three straw bales for fresh, dry bedding

$15:  Identification & t-shirt for a new volunteer

$25:  55 pounds of feed pellets - every day

$30:  Typical gas expense driving rabbits to educational events

$50: Purchase a wagon that brings rabbits to visit seniors  in their rooms at care
facilities OR travel pen to set up in courtyard for people to watch the bunnies play

$75:   New rabbit carrier, allowing more rabbits to go with handlers to new sites. We need one carrier and one wagon per handler.

$100:  Wellness check to ensure rabbit's overall health and eligibility for therapy before visiting healthcare & hospice facilities


$200:  Basic food and bedding for each therapy rabbit for a year. 

If you like what we're doing, we have creative ways to thank  and engage our sponsors / partners. 


Thank you for opening your heart to bless the bunnies and all those who will get the direct gift of hugs, hope & hoppiness because of your support!!

We have two parallel tracks to join us:

The business - Peacebunny Island
which provides the care and training for the rabbits, the island, along with  all the logistics and administrative support.  Makes our programs sustainable by providing all the supplies, rented space the Peacebunny Cottage, utilities, all the needed infrastructure to make this project work.  Without this side, our programs don't happen.

The charity - Peacebunny Foundation which mobilizes the volunteers who take comfort rabbits in the Peacebunny Unit during times of tragedy, stress, loss or grief.  This allows us to take the STEMbunnies to schools with high percentage of low income families and to mobilize teams for children's funerals.

Supporting families through large deployment in response to an invitation to  Uvalde Texas this summer.


* Depending on your intention for your gift,
Mail check written to either  

Peacebunny Island or to 

Peacebunny Foundation 


PO Box 202, Newport MN 55055


* Online with paypal / credit card  

(choose which programs to support)

501c3 Nonprofit Public Charity
EIN  84-5018824

"Animal Assisted Crisis Response"
Currently mobilizing for sharing our comfort bunnies in wagons to Uvalde, Texas
Use the drop down button to select a designated program or give to the general fund

Peacebunnies in Action: More about the Foundation  

IRS Determination Letter and 990 documents are available for public review.
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Service-learning organization provides resources to mobilize comfort rabbits and their volunteer guardians to

1) PROVIDE COMFORT & SUPPORT during times of
tragedy, stress, loneliness and grief by sharing comfort rabbits and resources provided by Peacebunny Islands Inc.

* Families experiencing severe health challenges

* Families during separation including military deployment
* Senior centers and hospice 

* School violence, and children’s memorials

2) SHARE RESOURCES: Social Emotional Learning and STEM-based curriculum, public health best practices



The Foundation and its volunteers provide the key mechanism to share our comfort rabbits owned, cared for and trained by the business side --  Peacebunny Island. 

Both the Foundation and the business have specific, complementary roles, so we thank you for joining us for either side of this heartfelt mission.


You are helping to share Hugs Hope & Hoppiness!!

-- Caleb Smith

Rabbit Island, Mississippi River

Bunny Island, Mississippi River

Island of bunnies Minnesota

Island of rabbits Minnesota

Rabbit Island

Caleb Smith

Boy bunnies

Peacebunny Island Book

Peacebunny Islands Inc

Star Tribune rabbits

Visit Peacebunny Island


Thank you for being patient. 
Our aim is to return messages promptly, but as a youth run business, other responsibilities come first

(Central Time, USA)

Peacebunny Island

Mailing Address Only:
PO Box 202, Newport Minnesota USA 55055

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©2022 by Peacebunny Island. 

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