So super proud of the rabbits that own me! HA And not only do I think they are awesome, but the State Fair judges confirmed it. What a fantastic time at the fair and to win is even better.
10 Best of Breeds this year from Peacebunny Island. Special thanks to STEMbunnies volunteers who helped share fun rabbit facts to fairgoers who stopped by the cages and helped with feeding treats and moving our entourage to the fairgrounds.
And even though defending champion"Wachamacallit" (below) was beat out by our "Alfredo" English Angora for Best of Breed, he is still the most photographed rabbit in the building. After moving him into the fair, he seemed uncomfortable with the heat, so we gave him a haircut taking off three inches. He perked right up. We choose bunny happiness over winning ribbons any day of the week!
Much love to our sweet bunnies who bring so much joy!

Peacebunny Island Rabbitry: MN State Fair 2018 Best of Breed: Best American: Daisy Mae Best American Chinchilla: Chimchiminy Best Cinnamon: Stixx
Best English Angora: Afraido Alfredo
Best French Angora: Amelia Earheart Best Flemish Giant: Feisty Best Giant Angora: Sawyer Best Lionhead: Hobo Best Netherland Dwarf: Morris Best Silver Fox: Loxxy