HELLO from Poppy and Peacebunny Cottage!
Two years ago I was finishing seventh grade, 13 years old and still looking for an island... hoping that somehow I could find that special someplace that I saw so clearly in my mind. I had already purchased a 43 foot houseboat that I named the SS Peacebunny, and then with full anticipation I was preparing for the "Best Summer Ever" out on the Mississippi River. I had a boat, I was trained how to drive it, and knew I had to go against the current roughly 100 miles to get to some general area, but I didn't know where I would eventually land. Quite an analogy for how things are this year too.
As we navigate these uncharted waters together, know that somewhere out there are a bunch of bunnies who help me keep perspective and I believe they will bless you too. I'm sorry that we can't do Easter events together in person right now, which is like telling a Christmas tree farmer to close the lot. But we're figuring out some ways to share the hoppiness online. Like showing our baby bunnies in a kiddie pool full of veggies. Oh my goodness they are so cute!
I've been busy making short videos to announce our daily fun, letting people know that they have won a trip to the islands once its safe to travel again. It's been awesome to connect with people from Spain, California, New York, West Virginia, Massachusetts, and Australia and we have nearly two more weeks of the WIN A TRIP CONTEST left, so a little more than ten adrawings to go. Just look at your silly bunny island name on the chart, add to our post, and then post it on social media. Be sure to also share where you're from -- and you're entered. Take the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name which gives you your silly bunny name. It's that simple. You only need to enter once because we keep rolling your name over to the next day's contest. If you win, you and a guest (both over 14 years old) come to St Paul Minnesota and meet us on the Mississippi River front, and we'll take care of the rest, personally escorting you to see where we train the therapy rabbits and letting you spend time with us and our furry friends out there relaxing.
If you want to see more videos, we still need subscribers to the bunnies' youtube channel so we can livestream on our family's phone (which would be much easier than lugging the computer around with me at Peacebunny Cottage). There's no internet out on the island, so we need this option to make livestreaming work. Right now I would love to create a youtube livestream from the island, so we need to pass this threshold of 1000 subscribers, which I know we could get to if you help get the word out. Again, there's no internet out there, so I need you to help make this happen. There are a lot of people who are stuck inside and I've love to share the joy with them. So thanks in advance.
As always, thanks for joining us on this next leg of our journey! Listen to our weekly podcast at 2 PM until school is out for the summer. That format allows me to share more of the behind the scenes than I can blog about. Thing are really exciting even though the path is unclear... Glad you're in the boat with me.
And with that, I hope you have a hoppy day!
-- Caleb