Thanks everyone who has reached out to send congrats and share my joy. Just to restate the obvious, this is a pilot project and it's not our plan to make this a tourist destination. I know everyone wants to come and see what I'm working on, but we aren't ready for guests except a handful of helpers. We are going to be busy figuring things out, trying different models, recording river and weather data, observing wildlife especially prey animals and thinking about how to make this work. Or we may find out that this site just isn't going to happen for us. So we are going to be busy with the BEST SUMMER EVER. Sorry in advance for not doing lots of posting and being slow to respond to email. We are still keeping the island project kinda low key anyway until we know for sure if this will work, so thanks for understanding that we aren't doing any press requests. Lots to figure out and to explore... I am living the dream!